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Where's Water @ Rangitīkei?

Everyone who calls the Rangitīkei home is encouraged to participate in ‘Where’s Water @ Rangitīkei?’ by providing feedback on Rangitīkei District Council’s preferred future water services delivery model – as required by Local Water Done Well.

What is Local Water Done Well?

Local Water Done Well is the Government’s new plan for managing Aotearoa New Zealand’s drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater services. Under this model, city and district councils must:

  • Meet new financial and regulatory requirements, ensuring water services are ring-fenced (i.e. the financial administration of water services must be kept separate from the rest of council).
  • Invest in infrastructure to address long-standing issues.
  • Set fair prices that reflect the cost of delivering water services.
  • Develop a fit-for-purpose Water Services Delivery Plan by early September 2025 outlining how they will meet the above requirements.

    Like city and district councils across Aotearoa New Zealand, Rangitīkei District Council is facing varied and increasingly critical challenges maintaining and future proofing its water services. Our infrastructure requires extensive upgrading to ensure it is fit-for-purpose and able to serve Rangitīkei residents for generations to come.

    Choosing the best water services delivery model for Rangitīkei is what we are working towards in this consultation.

    It’s easy to make a submission

    If you're filling out a submission form, these can be delivered to any of our Community Hubs or service centres.

    Attend one of our Community Meetings

    We are hosting Community Meetings across our main urban centres. We welcome residents to attend these meetings to hear more about:

    1. What is Local Water Done Well?
    2. What is Rangitīkei District Council’s preferred future water services delivery model?
    3. How Local Water Done Well could influence you as a Rangitīkei rate payer.
    Te Matapihi, Bulls11 March6:00pm - 7:00pm
    Kokako Street Hall, Taihape19 March6:00pm - 7:00pm

    Friendship Club Hall, Marton

    20 March6:00pm - 7:00pm

    Local Water Done Well Q&A Video

    For those unable to attend or access these public meetings, we are also going to record a Local Water Done Well Q&A session. This video will be available to view on across all our social media channels. We encourage and welcome your questions to be answered in this session. Questions can be submitted by emailing, or private message us on Facebook

    Please submit your questions by Friday 7th March 2025.

    Follow us on via our Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn channels for the TL;DR version - bite-sized information on all things Local Water Done Well.