Register of Members' Pecuniary Interests
Council’s register of pecuniary interests (the Register) is published in accordance with section 54A of the Local Government Act 2022 (the Act).
The Act requires Rangitikei District Council to publish, annually, a summary of elected members’ declarations relating to financial, business and personal interests including assets, business associations, overseas travel and gifts they have received, for the previous 12 months.
The purpose of the Register of members’ pecuniary interests is to record members’ interests to provide transparency and to strengthen public trust and confidence in Council processes and decision-making. The summary is published as the Register of Pecuniary and Other Specified Interests of Rangitikei District Council Elected Members.
How the Register works
Annually elected members complete a declaration form, this is then summarised and published on our website. The information provided by elected members in their annual declarations in relation to therequirements of the Act includes the following:
- Company directorship and controlling interest (section 54E(1)(a));
- Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities (sections 54E(1)(b) and (2));
- Employment (section 54E(1)(c));
- Interests in trusts (section 54E(1)(d));
- Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding (section 54E(1)(e));
- Organisations appointed to by virtue of being an Elected Member (section 54E(1)(f));
- Real property (section 54E(1)(g) and (1)(h));
- Overseas travel (section 54F(1)(a));
- Gifts (section 54F(1)(b));
- Payments for activities (section 54F(1)(c)).
Register of Member's Interests
Applicable dates: 10 May 2024- 14 January 20251. Company directorship and controlling interest
Adventure Quenches – Tourism company
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Last Screams – (Spookers)
Contact Energy
Mercury NZ Limited
3. Employment
As Mayor Rangitikei Council
4. Interests in trusts
Nil declared
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Kohitangata Trust- Unpaid advisory trustee
6. Council appointments
Bio Forestry Board – Council
Advisory trustee – Dudding’s Trust
Various Council appointments – roading, economic development and climate change etc
7. Real property
Grey Street, Marton – residential home
Tourism Lodge – Opanake
Tourism Lodge – National Park
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Carter Upholstery
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Nil declared
3. Employment
Nil declared
4. Interests in trusts
Nil declared
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Nil declared
6. Council appointments
Chief Fire Officer. Bulls Volunteer Fire Brigade FENZ
7. Real property
Nil declared
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Nil declared
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Nil declared
3. Employment
Kiwi can do
4. Interests in trusts
Raukawa Whanau Trust
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Nil declared
6. Council appointments
Nil declared
7. Real property
Property at Gordon Crescent, Marton – residential home
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Daves Services Ltd
High Street Partnership Ltd
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Nil declared
3. Employment
Director Dave’s Tyre Services Ltd
4. Interests in trusts
Wilson Daniell Family Trust
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Nil declared
6. Council appointments
Nil declared
7. Real property
Milne Street, Marton – Family home
Properties in High Street, Marton
Properties in Wellington Road, Marton
Property in Bowen Street, Marton
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Nil declared
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
A & F Dalgety Partnership
Elcho Trading Trust
Dalgety Family Trust
3. Employment
Rathmoy Investments Ltd – Te Kumu
A & F Dalgety Partnership
4. Interests in trusts
Elcho Trading Trust
Dalgety Family Trust
Christopher Grace Family Trust
Susanna Grace Family Trust
Hakawai Trust
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Hunterville Community Assets Trust
Hunterville Rural Water Supply Management Committee
6. Council appointments
Hunterville Community Committee
7. Real property
Farmland in Rangitikei District
Holiday home in Hawkes Bay
Apartment in Wellington
Kapiti Coast - residential home
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Payments for meeting fee/mileage
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Hiwera Estates Ltd – Farming
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Manawa Energy Ltd
Ryman Healthcare Ltd
Mercury NZ Ltd
Genesis Energy Ltd
3. Employment
Hiwera Estates Ltd
4. Interests in trusts
Duncan Family Trust
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Nil declared
6. Council appointments
Te Roopuu Ahi Kaa
Youth Council
Taihape Health Group
Taihape Community Board
Taihape Waste Water Committee
7. Real property
Moawhango Valley Road, Taihape
Otara Road, Ohingaiti
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Nil declared
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Nil declared
3. Employment
Operations Manager Rangitikei Limited Partnership
4. Interests in trusts
Nil declared
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Hunterville Lions Club
6. Council appointments
Nil declared
7. Real property
Kakariki Road, RD1, Marton 4787 – Family residence
7 Ocean Beach Road, Foxton
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Nil declared
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Nil declared
3. Employment
Ruapehu REAP
4. Interests in trusts
Nil declared
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Assistant Treasurer - Taihape Drama Club
Member of Taihape Health Trust
6. Council appointments
Nil declared
7. Real property
Taihape - commercial property
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Paul Sharland Limited
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Paul Sharland Limited
3. Employment
Member of the Manawatu/ Whanganui LAC for Fire & Emergency NZ
4. Interests in trusts
PJ Sharland Trust
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Bulls & Districts Historical Society (Inc)
6. Council appointments
Committee member of the Bulls & Districts Historical Society (Inc)
7. Real property
63 Johnson Street Bulls 4818- Family residence
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Nil declared
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Nil declared
3. Employment
Nga Iwi O Mokai Patea Services Trust
Mokai Patea Waitangi Claims Trust
4. Interests in trusts
Taonui me Rona Hera Whanau Trust
Awarua 2C13J3 Land Trust
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Taihape Wellness Development Project - Nga Iwi O Mokai Patea Services Trust
6. Council appointments
Chair – Policy / Planning Committee
7. Real property
124 Taihape Napier Road, Moawhango TAIHAPE – Whanau Homestead owned by Taonui Matana me Rona Hera Matana Whanau Trust
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Nil declared
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Murimotu Partnership
Commonwealth Bank
3. Employment
Nil declared
4. Interests in trusts
Ngatiapa Farm
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Nil declared
6. Council appointments
Nil declared
7. Real property
Feltham Street, Hunterville – Family residence
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared
1. Company directorship and controlling interest
Healthwise Physiotherapy Ltd
Interceptor Properties Ltd
2. Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities
Nil declared
3. Employment
Nil declared
4. Interests in trusts
Loudon Family Trust
Simon Loudon Family Trust (“Rose Trust Partnership”)
Felicity Wallace Family Trust (“Rose Trust Partnership”)
5. Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding
Nil declared
6. Council appointments
Nil declared
7. Real property
Marton, Rangitikei – Residential Home, Rental Property
Pekapeka, Kapiti Coast – Beach Section
Manukau, Auckland – Commercial Property
8. Overseas travel
Nil declared
9. Gifts
Nil declared
10. Payment for activities
Nil declared