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Standing Orders

The opportunity for members of the public to address Council or a Council Committee is available under Council’s Standing Orders. If you wish to speak to one of our meetings please read the information below.

Standing orders contain rules for the conduct of the proceedings of local authorities, committees, subcommittees, subordinate decision-making bodies, and local and community boards. Their purpose is to enable local authorities to exercise their decision-making responsibilities in a transparent, inclusive, and lawful manner.

In doing so the application of standing orders contributes to greater public confidence in the quality of local governance and democracy in general.

These standing orders have been designed specifically for local authorities, their committees, subcommittees and subordinate decision-making bodies, and local and community boards. They fulfil, with regard to the conduct of meetings, the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).

Standing Orders PDF

Public Forums, Deputations and Petitions