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The District Plan (Rangitīkei District Plan)

The District Plan’s primary purpose is to manage land use and development within the Rangitīkei. It contains rules that may affect you if you’re looking to develop or undertake a new activity on your property.

Rangitīkei District Council is transitioning to an ePlan

We’re excited to announce the launch of our draft electronic District Plan (ePlan). The Rangitīkei District Council draft ePlan is an interactive online tool that makes zoning and land use more accessible and easier to navigate.

The Rangitīkei District Council ePlan is available in draft form for users to explore now.

While we go through the process of implementing the ePlan, the Operative District Plan is still the paper version. All PDF chapters are still available below.

The ePlan is expected to become Rangitīkei District Council’s Operative Plan in January 2025.

Key features of the Rangitīkei District Council ePlan

  • Interactive maps: View and search by address, zone, or activity. Core maps are integrated into the Rangitīkei District Council ePlan so you can quickly see the zoning and planning rules that apply to your property.
  • Searchable content: Easily access relevant rules, objectives, and policies. Search by property address, explore zoning, and view property specific plan chapters. In the district plan text, you can explore each section or search by keyword.
  • Up-to-date information: The ePlan will provide the most up-to-date version of the District Plan. It contains a version of the District Plan that has been restructured to implement the mandatory requirements of the National Planning Standards. Once fully functional, users will have the option of viewing past versions to explore how rules, standards, and definitions have changed.

Getting started with the draft Rangitīkei District Council ePlan

If you have any questions about using the ePlan, or need assistance finding specific information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us 0800 422 522 or

Operative District Plan

The District Plan is one of a suite of major plans which sets out the Council’s vision for the District; others include the Long Term Plan, the Financial Strategy, Asset Management Plans, Parks and Reserves Management Plans, and the Regional Civil Defence and Emergency Management Plan. Collectively, these are the building blocks that ensure the Council integrates its planning for community wellbeing.

The full District Plan is available here: Read the full introduction in the PDF

Sections of the District Plan are available below.


The introduction of the District Plan includes context, plan structure, and statutory acknowledgements. It can be viewed here:


Part A: Issues, objectives and policies

Part A outlines the significant resource management issues for the District, and strategies for responding to these issues.

Part B: Rules

Part B contains the activity standards and rules that must be met for permitted activities, and the assessment criteria relating to controlled, restricted discretionary, discretionary, and non-complying status activities. The Plan does not contain prohibited activities.

Part C: Schedules

Part C contains lists of significant and heritage sites, designations, hazardous substances information and definitions.

Part D: Planning and Hazard Maps

Part D contains a set of planning maps and a set of hazard maps for all areas within the District.


PDFs of Maps

Land Development and Subdivision Standards

The following two documents form the Council’s Subdivision and Development Code of Practice:

DocumentAuthorAvailable from
NZS4404:2010 Land Development and Subdivision InfrastructureStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
RDC Subdivision and land development addendumRangitikei District CouncilRangitikei District Council

Subdivision and Development Addendum

Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure (NZS 4404:2010) is the minimum standard for land development and subdivision. This Addendum outlines the changes to NZS 4404:2010 that are specific to Rangitīkei District Council and both documents are designed to be used together.

Additional technical documents incorporated by reference

DocumentAuthorAvailable from
NZS6801:2008 Acoustics – Measurement of Environmental SoundStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
NZS6802:2008 Acoustics Environmental NoiseStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
NZS6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction NoiseStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
NZS6807:1994 Noise Management & Land Use Planning for Helicopter Landing AreasStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
NZS6808:2010 Acoustics – Wind Farm NoiseStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
AS/NZS1596:2008 Storage and Handling of LP GasStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
NZS8409:2004 Management of AgrichemicalsStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
NZS2772.1:1999 Radiofrequency Fields: Maximum Exposure Levels 3KHz to 300GHzStandards New ZealandStandards New Zealand
Code of Practice for the Design, Installation and Operation of Underground Petroleum Systems (1992)Department of LabourDepartment of Labour
Best Practice Guide for Above-Ground Fuel Storage on Farms (September 2010)Department of LabourDepartment of Labour
The New Zealand Transport Agency Traffic Control Devices ManualNZ Transport AgencyNZ Transport Agency
Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL)Ministry for the EnvironmentMinistry for the Environment

Further Natural Hazard Information

Horizons Regional Council holds regional-scale information on natural hazards (e.g. flood hazard, fault line, liquefaction information), which can be obtained by contacting them directly.

Here is a link to Horizons Regional Council’s modelled wet extents from flood plain mapping: Horizons regional modelled and inferred wet extents from FPM analysis (

Water Conservation Order

Part of the Rangitīkei River and some of its tributaries are subject to a Water Conservation Order and this does have implications for some activities in regards to the area covered by the Water Conservation Order. The Order can be viewed online here: Water Conservation (Rangitikei River) Order 1993 (SR 1993/15) (as at 19 February 1993) Contents – New Zealand Legislation