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Reducing or Waiving Fees for Internal Consenting Costs Policy

Date of adoption by Council 1 October 2015
Resolution Number 15/RDC/276
Date by which review must be completed Review as required
Relevant Legislation Not applicable
Statutory or Operational Policy Operational
Included in the LTP No
  1. Objective

    1. To recognise in a tangible way the contribution made to the lives of District residents by organisations and businesses operating within the District.
  2. Council may reduce fees by 50% when

    1. The application is for an activity or facility on land which is receiving a rates remission or which would be likely to meet the criteria for a remission when the activity or facility is undertaken), specifically –
      • a community, sporting and other not-for-profit organisations qualifies for a rates remission, or
      • land deemed to have been affected by natural calamity.
    2. The application is for an activity or facility which is integral to a project accepted under the Council’s Parks Upgrade Partnership Fund.
  3. Council may reduce fees by 25% when

    1. The application is for an activity or facility on land which is receiving a rates remission (or has received such a remission no more than two years previously or which would be likely to qualify for a remission when the activity or facility is undertaken), specifically –
      • a new type of business, or
      • an existing business which is expanding, or
      • Maori freehold land.
    2. The activity or facility commemorates the life or lives of individuals who have lived in the District and made a contribution to the community.
  4. Council will not reduce or waive fees when

    1. The activity for which a consent is being applied for is confined to the organisation making the application and in which the community will not typically have a presence, or
    2. Consenting fees have been waived or reduced under Council’s rates remission policy – incentives to address earthquake-prone buildings, or
    3. The facility is primarily a private residence.
  5. Application

    1. The Chief Executive is delegated to apply the policy on Council’s behalf. Where a greater reduction in fee is requested than the thresholds allow, the application will be referred to the Council for a decision.