Smokefree and Vapefree Policy
The following areas in the Rangitīkei District are smokefree/vapefree:
- all Council-owned or controlled parks, playgrounds, sports fields, reserves, skateparks, campgrounds and swimming pools,
- all Council-owned or controlled facilities or buildings such as libraries, community housing and public toilets. This includes the immediate (within four metres) surrounding outdoor public space, e.g. footpaths adjacent to entranceways, except for those facilities where there are Council staff who are smokers/ vapers. In such cases, the Council’s Chief Executive may establish a designated area, to be away from windows and doors, dry, and not visible to the public.
- all outdoor/footpath dining areas within the central business districts of the District’s towns and townships as defined in the pedestrian veranda overlay in the District Plan. Council will specify this requirement (and signage) when permitting use of such outdoor/footpath areas.
- bus stops and shelters, and
- beaches, lakes and riverbeds.
All new or renewed contractual agreements to hire, lease or occupy Council-owned or controlled buildings and facilities will be required to be smokefree/vapefree.
All Council funded, administered, and supported events will be smokefree/vapefree.
Council will be a supportive partner with Health New Zealand / Te Whatu Ora, local businesses, organisations, and agencies to encourage and support any business or organisation that wishes to become a smokefree/vapefree area.
Council’s Chief Executive may temporarily suspend parts of the policy in a declared emergency or other special circumstance. Any such decision shall be publicly notified and reported to the next meeting of the Council.