Welfare and Support
The following information is available to help individuals, groups and businesses during COVID-19 Alert Levels. Please check regularly as these will be updated as new information becomes available.
- Immediate Welfare Needs
- Access to food or essential items
- Welfare & Well-being Services and Support
- Mental Health and Well-being
- Resources for Pasifika
Immediate Welfare Needs
Ministry of Social Development NZ
If you have immediate welfare needs this lockdown, including income support or temporary accommodation, get in touch with the Ministry of Social Development NZ online or by calling 0800 559 009.
Access to food or essential items
We all need food and essential items such as medicine through COVID-19 lock downs, so please don’t try to go without. If you are in need of support please contact the following:
Food Pantry
Marton Churches Food Pantry can offer support to access essential food items in Marton and Bulls
Email: martonchurchesfoodpantry@gmail.com or Facebook martonfoodpantry
Mokai Patea Services
Mokai Patea Services can offer support and advise to link whanau with food banks (ie. Gary, Meals on Wheels) and other supporting agencies.
Website: www.mokaipateaservices.com or Facebook MokaiPateaServices
Access to Food or Essentials Fact Sheet
This fact sheet below also has information about the many ways of getting food and other essential items to you.
Access to food or essentials Fact Sheet - August 2021
Information for iwi and community providers about food provision and distribution.
About food provision and distribution Fact Sheet - August 2021
Welfare & Well-being Services and Support
There are a number of agencies that can help connect your and your whānau to advice, help, or support.
If you are requiring assistance during this recent COVID-19 event please see here.
COVID Services and Support Fact Sheet
Mental Health and Well-being
1737 / Melon / Youthline / Sparklers
New Zealand’s return to Alert Level 4 can be an unsettling time, and this uncertainty can have an impact on mental health. It’s important to remember that our approach has worked to date. NZ have stamped out COVID-19 before and we can do it again.
This is an uncertain time and many of us will be anxious as a result. Please take advantage of free tools and resources available to support your mental well-being.
Resources available for adults
- 1737: free call if you feel you need to talk to someone
- Call your GP: Your local GP is still working over phone and video consultations. Call your local GP practice that can provide advice on how to get help to support your mental wellbeing during Alert Level 4.
- Depression.org.nz
This is a website is for adults looking for support with their mental health. It has update information and mental wellbeing tips for individuals and whānau feeling overwhelmed by COVID.
Resources for teens and young people
There is dedicated support available to help support the mental wellbeing of our rangatahi. A range of online and digital self-help tools and resources are available:
- Melon
- Youthline’s free call, text or web chat
- Sparklers
- The Lowdown
This is a website for young people with concerns about their mental health who are looking for support, and for friends and whānau who want to support them. It has COVID-specific content and links for anyone needing immediate help.
There is also information on the COVID-19 website for adults, about how to help keep children safe and reassured.
Resources for Pasifika
A collaboration between Te Hiringa Hauora, Mapu Maia, Vaka Tautua, the Mental Health Foundation and Pasifika health leaders Phil Siataga, Stephanie Erick and Tui Tararo. It is aimed at support Pasifika peoples who are feeling anxious.
For latest news and information visit covid19.govt.nz