Bulls Water Supply Infrastructure
Project Update
29 January 2024
The construction of this pump station completes the series of works triggered when the historical water tower/mushroom was deemed earthquake prone.
The reservoir and new HDPE rising mains connecting this to the water treatment plant were constructed over 2019-21 to provide resilience and growth to Bulls Township.
However, until the booster pump station is built, the community is reliant on the Trickers Road reservoirs that were planned for decommissioning. This is due to the pressure needed in the reticulation network to meet drinking water and fire fighting standards.
Once the booster pump station has been built, the capacity of the new reservoir can provide a buffer for the treatment plant, which is at capacity over various days in summer.
Through being able to supplement flows from the treatment plant with direct flows from the reservoir, Council can meet the required levels of service.
In the November Council meeting, RDC awarded the tender to Max Tarr to upgrade the pump station for the Bulls Water Supply. At the moment staff are working with the contractor to establish a programme for the works.
13 July 2021
Council and our shared services partner Manawatū District Council completed the construction of the new Bulls Reservoir near the old water tower. The purpose of the construction of the reservoir, rising main and pump station is enhanced security of water supply, and to accommodate future growth in Bulls.
In early 2022 construction will begin on a rising main which will connect the reservoir to a pump station. The pump station is being designed currently.