Marae / Hapū / Iwi
This map shows the marae locations in our District.
Please note this map is for general purposes only and may not be accurate. We will continue to update this map when new information is available.
For more information regarding marae, hapū and iwi in our District contact our Kaitakawaenga - Māori Advisor on 0800 422 522.

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Hapū / Iwi Area Boundaries
Hapū / Iwi boundaries showing areas of interest (as determined by Ngā whakataunga tiriti – Treaty of Waitangi settlement) can be found at Te Arawhiti. Not all iwi represented at Te Rōpū Ahi Kā (TRAK) have completed settlement, so an alternative is Te Kāhui Māngai's Rangitīkei District Council page on the Te Puni Kōkiri - Ministry for Māori Development website.