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Consultation on the Amendment to Animal Control Bylaw 2013

October 02, 2015

Council wishes to seek the views of the following communities on potential amendments to the Animal Control Bylaw 2013.

Crofton, Koitiata, Mangaweka, Mataroa, Ohingaiti, Scotts Ferry, Ratana and Utiku.


Do you think Council should undertake consultation with your community about removing the requirement to comply with the ‘urban area’ provisions, increasing the flexibility about the types, number and locations of animals permitted without the need for a formal dispensation?


The Turakina Community has expressed concerns about Turakina’s inclusion as an ‘urban area’ as part of the Animal Control Bylaw 2013. The inclusion of Turakina as an ‘urban area’ places a number of restrictions on what, how many and setback distances for specified animals. Turakina is included as an ‘urban area’ because the properties are zoned as residential under the operative Rangitikei District Plan 2013.

Due to the concerns raised by the community, Council has approved a consultation process to allow the amendment of the Bylaw. The consultation process seeks the community’s views on whether they would like Turakina to be removed from the ‘urban area’ classification, thus increasing flexibility for the number, location and type of animals permitted in the area. The consultation processes also allows consideration of whether the Turakina community would prefer some animals as permitted, while others remain excluded unless written dispensation is given by an enforcement officer.

The main animals restricted are; cats, poultry (including roosters), pigs and bees. Stocking rates and animal slaughter are also restricted.

Expressions of interest are also sought from other rural communities which have residentially zoned properties – Crofton, Koitiata, Mangaweka, Mataroa, Ohingaiti, Scotts Ferry, Ratana and Utiku to establish whether they consider an amendment to the Bylaw would be useful in their community. A secondary consultation process would occur if there is interest from these communities.

Further information can be found on the Rangitikei District Council website,

Current Consultations page.

from the Marton, Bulls and Taihape Libraries and the Council Office in Marton or you may ask for information to be sent to you by calling 0800 422 522.

Expressions of interest are invited until 4pm Thursday 22 October 2015.

Written comments may be:

Posted to:

Rangitikei District Council

Attn: Katrina Gray

46 High Street, Private Bag 1102,

Marton 4741

Emailed to:

Dropped to: the Marton, Bulls or Taihape Libraries or Marton Council Offices.

If you have any questions or would like to make any verbal comments please contact Katrina Gray, on 06 327 0099 or 0800 422 522.