BDO Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge 2016
February 02, 2016
Note: This Public Notice is out of date, and is retained for archival purposes only.
The Wellington to Auckland Cycle Challenge is a revival of the Dulux – the ultimate cycle race back in the 1960-1980s that used to attract cyclists from around New Zealand and overseas.
The event, organised by Dynamo Events, was born out of a love of cycling by former Olympic and Commonwealth cyclist and former Dulux competitor, Stephen Cox.
Stage 5 of this cycle race will be coming through our area on Tuesday 16 February 2016 with a leg departing from Feilding.
Departing from Victoria Park, West St, Feilding:
- Through to SH1 via West St onto Halcombe Rd & Kakariki Rd, then
- SH1 along to Calico Line, then
- Down Calico Line to Tutaenui Rd, then to
- Makuhou Rd then to
- Turakina Valley Rd then to
- Mangatipona Rd then onto Kauangaroa Rd