Creative Communities and Sports NZ Rural Travel Fund Open 7 March
February 25, 2016
Note: This Public Notice is out of date, and is retained for archival purposes only.
A total of $9,275 is available for distribution to community-based arts activities. The aim of the scheme is to increase participation in the arts at a local level, and increase the range and diversity of arts available to Rangitikei communities.
Prospective applicants may find it beneficial to speak to an Assessment Committee member prior to lodging their application. Please contact the Grants Administrator (Samantha Whitcombe) if you would like to speak to an Assessment Committee member.
Applications close: 12pm (noon) Friday 8 April 2016
A total of $9,500 is available for distribution. The Rural Travel Fund is open to rural sports clubs and rural school teams with young people aged between 5-19 years who require subsidies to assist with transport expenses to local sporting competitions and meet the Rural Travel Fund criteria.
Applications close: 12pm (noon) Friday 8 April 2016.
Applications for both grant schemes will be considered by the respective committees on 27 April 2016.
Applicants for both schemes should be resident in the Rangitikei District Council area.
Application forms and further information for both grant schemes are available here:
Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Fund
or by:
visiting the Council’s offices:
46 High Street, Marton or 92 Hautapu Street, Taihape
phoning the Council on 0800 422 522