War Memorial Arch - Bulls Library
November 11, 2016

Open Letter to the Bulls Communtiy
It has come to our attention that some members of the Bulls community believe the Rangitikei
District Council intends demolishing or removing the World War 1 Memorial arch on the front of
the Bulls Library building.
This is not true. There is no plan, nor has there been any plan, to demolish or remove the
The proposed Bulls Community Centre, if constructed, would mean the Library building was no
longer needed. The Bulls Town Centre Plan, which was developed through a community
engagement process in 2014 and then adopted by Council, proposes the demolition of the library
building, but the retention of the Memorial arch. The intention being that the library site
becomes a public park, with the Memorial arch being a central feature.
The Memorial arch is protected by a national Historic Place Category 2 listing. This means that
the Memorial cannot be demolished or removed, or even moved on the site, without approval
from Heritage New Zealand, the national body charged with protecting and preserving our
historic heritage.
The Rangitikei District Plan stipulates that a resource consent will be required if the Memorial is
ever relocated, and community consultation would be a key requirement before any such
consent was issued.
We give you our assurance that it is Council’s intention to retain the Memorial arch, and that any
plans for turning the library site into a public park will be developed in conjunction with the Bulls
community, and that the ongoing protection and preservation of the Memorial arch will be
central to those plans.