Watermain Renewal and Full Road Reconstuction - Wanganui Road Marton
January 05, 2016
Rangitikei District Council commenced a major project on 11 January 2016 in Wanganui Road. This project will involve the installation of a new watermain in the berm (left side of the road heading towards Wanganui), new water laterals to all houses (both sides of the road) and a full road reconstruction.
The project will be undertaken from the High Street/Skerman Street intersection to the town boundary (approximately No. 40 Wanganui Road). The full project is expected to take 15 weeks with the estimated completion date being mid to late April.
As this project involves major road works and water supply interruptions on Wanganui Road and side streets you may experience some inconvenience over this period, however we will endeavour to keep this disruption to a minimum. The Contractor will notify all affected properties prior to any vehicle access or water supply interruptions.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Allen Geerkens or Don Stewart on 06 3270099.