Annual Report
November 06, 2017
Note: This Public Notice is out of date, and is retained for archival purposes only.
The Annual Report is Council’s major accountability statement to the community. Council’s Audit Director has a legal obligation to provide an opinion on such reports, and this was done at Council’s meeting on 5 October 2017. The opinion was ‘unmodified’ meaning that the report is a fair reflection on what actually happened and that the information presented complies with relevant statutory requirements and standards – and that there were no issues of concern which needed to be highlighted.
Council’s major achievements during the year include being reaccredited as a building consent authority, completing the concept design for the proposed new Bulls community centre (and making a successful application for a lotteries grant of $500,000), and progressing the pre-feasibility study for a Tutaenui rural water supply (co-funded by the Ministry for Primary Industries). Delays in some major capital projects meant a significant underspend in capital work of $18.4 million, so there was no need to borrow during the year.
A Summary Annual Report has also been prepared and has also received an unmodified opinion.