Changes to the Management of Rural Fire Services
May 31, 2017
Note: This Public Notice is out of date, and is retained for archival purposes only.
The Government has announced an overhaul of NZ Fire Service, and as of 1 July 2017 Fire and Emergency Service New Zealand (FENZ) will be established (replacing NZ Fire Service) to have authority over both urban and rural fire services. Rangitikei District Council will, therefore, no longer be a rural fire authority. This means that council will no longer:
- Issue fire permits
- Declare fire seasons
- Control the lighting of fires in the open air
- Prevent the spread of fire
Council will however still have the authority to require an occupier to remove long grass and other fire hazards until 1 July 2018.
These changes mean that the Fire Prevention Bylaw 2014 and section 6.3 of the Public Places Bylaw 2013, will need to be revoked as these changes will render them redundant.
Members of the public are able to comment on the proposed revocation of the Fire Prevention Bylaw 2014 and section 6.3 of the Public Places bylaw, until 12 noon on Friday 16 June 2017.
Fire Prevention Bylaw 2014 Proposed to be revoked PDF 187KB
Public Place Bylaw - Section 6.3 removed PDF 141KB
If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Webb-Moore, Policy Analyst/Planner on (06) 327 0099