Mangaweka Bridge - public survey
March 15, 2017
Note: This Public Notice is out of date, and is retained for archival purposes only.
Rangitikei and Manawatu District Councils held a public meeting on 30 March 2017 to enable local residents and other road users to have their say about the future of the Mangaweka bridge and river crossing.
For those who could not attend, there is a survey you can complete:
We hope that you’ll tell us what you think is important about the existing bridge as well as any proposed solutions. It is important that the councils and NZTA (as a co-funder) understand the problems being experienced due to the current bridge and access restrictions.
Council staff and elected members are eager to hear your views.
Should you require any further information please feel free to contact Jim Mestyanek at 06 323 0000.