Rangitikei District Council Gains Local Government’s CouncilMARK™
October 11, 2017
Rangitikei District Council has completed its inaugural assessment as part of the CouncilMARK™ local government excellence programme and been given an overall CouncilMARK™ rating of BB.
To earn a CouncilMARK™ rating, Council underwent a comprehensive assessment by independent experts measuring indicators across the four priority areas:
- governance, leadership and strategy;
- financial decision-making and transparency;
- service delivery and asset management; and
- communicating and engaging with the public and business.
“The CouncilMARK™ assessment report confirms that we are performing well across all areas, but does highlight opportunities for improvement,” Mayor Andy Watson says.
“We will now take these results and develop an improvement plan.
Rangitikei District Council is committed to further improving our performance so that the community we serve can have greater confidence in what we do and how we do it.”
The CouncilMARK™ local government excellence programme is a system designed to demonstrate and improve the value and services of councils by measuring indicators across leadership, financial decision-making, service delivery and community engagement. Participating councils are assessed by independent experts every three years, given an overall rating from triple AAA to C, and the results publicised. Councils will discuss the results with communities and use the assessments to plan improvements.
The system is set up to give communities a clear and independent picture of how well their council is performing in serving the community, and to give councils information on where they can improve.
Visit www.councilmark.co.nz for more information on the excellence programme.