Right to Demand a Poll on Local Electoral System
September 13, 2017
Notice is given under section 28 (1) of the Local Electoral Act 2001, that the electors of the Rangitikei District Council have the right to demand a poll on the electoral system to be used for the elections of the Rangitikei District Council and its community boards.
The choice is between the First Past the Post (FPP) and the Single Transferable Vote (STV) electoral systems. Unless a poll determines otherwise, the FPP electoral system will continue to be used for the election of the Rangitikei District Council and its community boards.
A valid demand for a poll must be:
- Made by notice in writing.
- Signed by at least 5 percent of the number of electors enrolled as eligible to vote at the previous triennial election of the Rangitikei District Council (this will require a minimum of 500 elector signatures).
- Delivered to the office of the Rangitikei District Council, 46 High Street, Marton, no later than 21 February 2018.
Every elector who signs a demand must also set out in it, his or her full name and the address for which they are qualified as an elector of Rangitikei District Council.
If a valid demand for a poll is received by 21 February 2018, the poll will be held not later than 21 May 2018, and will have effect for the 2019 and 2022 triennial general elections. If however a valid demand for a poll is received after 21 February 2018, then the poll will be held after 21 May 2018, and will have effect for the 2022 and 2025 elections.
If you have any questions please contact Katrina Gray, Senior Policy Analyst/Planner