2018-2028 Long Term Plan Public Consultation Meetings
March 29, 2018
Note: This Public Notice is out of date, and is retained for archival purposes only.
Unfolding the plan – Rangitikei 2018/2028 is the consultation document for the 2018/2028 Long Term Plan. The Long Term Plan identifies Council’s activities and projects for the following 10 years. The consultation document sets out key choices for the community to express a view and outlines other work that Council will be doing.
Consultation Document LTP 2018-2028
As part of this consultation Rangitikei District Council invites members of the public and community to participate in the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan consultation meetings outlined below.
4 April - 7pm Moawhango - Moawhango Hall | 5 April - 6.30pm Turakina - Turakina Church Hall | 10 April - 6.15pm Ratana - Ratana Paa |
11 April - 5.30pm Taihape - Taihape Town Hall | 12 April - 7pm Koitiata - Koitata Hall | 16 April - 6.30pm Hunterville - Hunterville Hall |
17 April - 7pm Tutaenui - Tutaenui Hall | 18 April - 6.30pm Pukeokahu - Community Hall | 22 April - 4pm Scotts Ferry - Rout's Property Parewanui Road |
23 April - 6.30pm Okirae - Makahou Hall | 24 April - 5.30pm Marton - Friendship Hall | 25 April - 6.30pm Papanui - School Hall |
26 April - 6.30pm Mangaweka - Hall | 30 April - 6.30pm Mataroa - Community Hall | 1 May - 6.30pm Bulls - Town Hall |
2 May - 7pm Kauangaroa - Marae |