Proposed Amendment to the Stock Droving and Grazing Bylaw 2013
September 02, 2019
Reasons for the proposal
Under the current Bylaw there is no provision restricting grazing on a road reserve directly adjacent to a property. The issue this creates is that it allows a person to graze both sides of the road reserve even if the property they own is not directly adjacent to one side. This removes the opportunity for the road reserve adjacent to the property to be grazed by the property owner and the possibility of spreading disease from one farm and/or one herd to another.
Proposed amendment
No person shall graze any portion of the road reserve which is not directly adjacent to his or her property without the written permission of either the owner of the property adjacent to the road reserve which is proposed for grazing or an authorised owner of the Council (who will have regard for the adjoining owner’s use and preferences for the area).
Period for Consultation
Written submissions on the proposed amendment to the Stock Droving and Grazing Bylaw 2013 may be made from 30 August 2019 until midday 16 September 2019. Submission forms will be available from Council libraries in Marton, Bulls, Taihape and the Council’s Administration Building in Marton, the form is also available via the Council's website. Those who make a written submission may also choose to make an oral submission. Hearings of oral submissions will be scheduled for 26 September 2019, at the Council Chambers in Marton.