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Draft Proposed District Plan Change – rural to industrial – invitation for feedback

June 28, 2019


Because of the shortage of vacant industrial land in the Marton area, Council is proposing to rezone an area south of Marton, from rural to industrial. The area has boundaries to Wings Line, State Highway 1, Makirikiri Road and the Main Trunk Railway. A draft report outlining the purpose of the zone change and its potential implications is available on Council’s website –

During the period 1-21 July 2019, Council invites written feedback on the proposal. If you want to do this, please send a letter (addressed to the Council at Private Bag 1102, Marton 4741) or email to Council

All feedback will be considered at Council’s Policy/Planning Committee meeting on 8 August 2019 and the outcome of that meeting will be included in the final Plan Change documentation to be considered at Council’s meeting on 29 August 2019. Formal public notification of the proposed zone change (if approved) will follow, as required by the Resource Management Act, with an opportunity for people to make submissions.

Please direct enquiries to Ross McNeil, Chief Executive – 06 327-0099 or email

image change to DP