Proposed Plan Change State Highway 1, Marton
December 19, 2019
Public Notice of Decisions Requested in Submissions and Call for Further Submissions
Proposed Rangitīkei District Plan Change – rural to industrial
Clause 7 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991
A summary of decisions requested by persons making submissions to the Proposed Rangitīkei District Plan Change – rural to industrial is available. The Council has received 18 submissions. Parties have until 31 January 2020 to make further submissions.
Purpose of proposed changes
Because of the shortage of vacant industrial land in the Marton area, Council has adopted the Proposed District Plan Change for rezoning of approximately 217 ha of rural land at 1165, 1151 and 1091 State Highway 1, Marton, to be industrial land, and for amending District Plan maps 4 and 21 to reflect the zone change. The area has boundaries to Wings Line, State Highway 1, Makirikiri Road and the Main Trunk Railway, Rangitīkei District
Further Submissions
Rangitīkei District Council is now calling for further submissions in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions lodged on the Proposed District Plan Change – rural to industrial. The following parties may make a further submission:
• Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;
• Any person who has an interest in the Proposed Plan Change that is greater than the interest of the general public;
• Rangitīkei District Council itself.
Further submissions must be received no later than 4.00 pm on 31 January 2020, and must be in the form prescribed in the Resource Management Act 1991.
Detailed information is available here.