Mahi Tahi Update
July 23, 2020
In May 2020 Rangitīkei District Council was successful in securing funding for the Mayor’s Task Force for Jobs (MTJF) Community Recovery Pilot supported by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
Funding of $100,000 was given to assist with the employment of 30 people into Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) either casual, part-time or full-time by 30 June 2020. The target group for this programme are New Zealanders displaced from their employment due to COVID-19, with a focus on youth not in education, employment, or training (NEETS).
To deliver this programme Council employed James Towers. Mr Towers came with experience as a previous MSD employee and strong local and regional business connections.
Two events were held in the first week of programme delivery, one each in Marton and Taihape, where attending youth were invited to complete a Mahi Tahi Course in work preparedness. Ten of those youth have completed CV’s, computer training, financial literacy & budgeting training, wellbeing and fitness activities, first aid training and cultural sessions. In addition, we are assisting them to gain driver licences.
A Jobs Evening was held on 10 June 2020 at Te Poho O Tuariki with over 80 people in attendance. The event included promotion of Mahi Tahi, registering of jobseekers and advertising of employment opportunities.
Mahi Tahi has gained large interest amongst the community. Due to this and the partnership in which Mahi Tahi is delivered, employment brokering assistance was also provided to all those that registered, some whom were not displaced by COVID-19 or NEETS.
If you are interested in this programme and would like more information visit: