Council Services under Alert Level 2
September 08, 2021

Rangitīkei is at Covid Alert Level 2.
Everywhere except Auckland boundary moved to Alert Level 2 at 11:59pm on Tuesday 7 September. This will be reviewed by the Government on 13 September.
See the Unite against Covid website for What to do at Level 2.
Key points of Alert Level 2
- You can leave your home, but do it in a safe way.
- All gatherings (such as weddings, civil union ceremonies, birthdays, funerals and tangihanga) can go ahead but are restricted to 50 people indoors or 100 people outdoors. All gatherings legally must record attendees to help with contact tracing if necessary. You cannot attend any gathering if you have COVID-19 symptoms or need to be in isolation or quarantine for any reason.
- Public facilities, such as libraries and pools, can open if they follow public health measures and people can keep 2 metres apart.
- All hospitality venues can have no more than 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors in a defined space, and the groups do not mix. Diners legally must be seated and separated by 1 metre.
- You can take part in sports and recreational activities so long as they follow the guidance on gatherings, record keeping, hygiene and − where practical − physical distancing. Gyms and swimming pools are required to have 2-metres physical distancing between people.
- Early learning centres and schools are all physically open, including Years 11–13. Face coverings are strongly encouraged for anyone aged 12 and over.
Our venues and facilities will reopen but with restrictions at Alert Level 2.
Please follow the guidelines by our staff and signs shown at our entrances.
Read the full list of Council Services and Facilities under Alert Level 2.
Please contact our Customer Experience team in the first instance for all enquiries.
- Email -
- Phone - 0800 422 522 (24 hrs)
We will keep you updated with any changes as they occur.