Demolition Works to began
January 19, 2021
Demolition Works – 22 Tui Street, Taihape
Central Demolitions will be carrying out necessary demolition and asbestos removal works at 22 Tui Street, Taihape on behalf of Rangitīkei District Council. Both buildings on the property will be demolished and will have the asbestos removed safely before and during the demolition works.
Works will be commence Tuesday 18 January 2021 to be completed Sunday 7 February 2021. Neighbouring properties to the site have been notified of this scheduled demolition. Council has agreeded to investigate the possibility of the site being available for housing in the future.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your co-operation.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding this work please contact Rangitīkei District Council, Adina Foley, Project Manager