Local Easter Sunday Trading Policy Consultation
November 01, 2021
Rangitīkei District Council is consulting on retaining its Local Easter Sunday Trading Policy and has not proposed any changes. This means that the Policy would continue to allow Easter Sunday trading throughout the whole District.
Council recognises the importance of the retail sector to the District, particularly the through-traffic associated with the state highways. Many of the retail businesses in these areas are already permitted to trade on Easter Sunday through the existing exemptions.
Kōrero mai - Have your say
Written submissions from the community are open until noon Wednesday, 1 December 2021.
See our Local Easter Sunday Trading Policy to have your say.
Further information
Further information, including the Statement of Proposal and a submission form, is available at the following places:
- Council’s libraries in Marton, Bulls and Taihape
- Council’s Main Office in Marton
- By calling 0800 422 522
If you have any questions please contact George Forster, Policy Analyst on 06 327 0099 or 0800 422 522.