Marton Rail Hub project makes progress
August 05, 2021

The Marton Rail Hub project is moving forward, hitting milestones in the planning and design phases - important steps towards construction.
The development of the Marton Rail Hub was announced in early 2020 in a partnership between Rangitīkei District Council, Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Provincial Development Unit and Rangitīkei Forestry Holdings.
The rail hub project will set up the Rangitīkei District as a key logistical hub for the forestry industry across the Lower North Island. More than 80 jobs will be created during the construction phase and 22 full-time positions when operational.
The tender for a planning consultant was awarded to firm WSP in late 2020, in a move that allowed the rail hub project to progress towards comprehensive development planning and resource consent applications. Seven months on, the technical reports by WSP regarding the development activities are nearly complete.
A preferred layout has now been identified for the rail siding, which is now set to run perpendicular to the Main Trunk Line, located just north of Makirikiri Road.
The appeal process is also progressing for the plan change to rezone rural land to industrial to provide a framework for the development of an innovation precinct for timber processing, including a large rail yard, and a food and fibre hub for the region. An extension of three months to the contract with Central Government has been agreed to allow time to resolve the appeal and design.
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