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New-look Long Term Plan Consultation Document receives praise

May 06, 2021

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Rangitīkei District Council’s new-look Long Term Plan Consultation Document receives praise from locals

The Rangitīkei District Council's new-look Long Term Plan Consultation Document is drawing positive attention from the community, says the Council's Chief Executive Peter Beggs.

The document, which details the Council’s proposed plans and budget for the next 10 years and addresses a number of key challenges for the District, is open for consultation and the community is invited to submit their feedback.

Consultation for the Draft Long Term Plan 2021-2031 closes on Monday 10 May.

Rangitīkei District Council’s Chief Executive Peter Beggs says he has received positive feedback about the size, colour and design of the Consultation Document and he is pleased the project team decided to take a new direction to ensure it was easier to read and understand.

"I’d like to thank everyone who has provided us with feedback on our Consultation Document. Our team has put a lot of effort into making the document fun and easy to read. We love the design and presentation, and we’re really proud of the result."

Group Manager Democracy and Planning Carol Gordon, who was the project manager for the LTP, says the Consultation Document is designed around the theme of Framing Our Future.

"Typically our Consultation Documents have been long and hard to understand, with an overwhelming amount of information for people to process. This year we wanted to do something different, to genuinely engage our community, so we set out to create a document that is not just easy to digest, but also reflects the vibrancy and diversity of our community."

"We didn’t just stop at the document either. We went out in the community and created a video and took photos of wonderful people from right across our District. I’d like to say a huge thank you to all those people that helped us to bring our document and consultation to life."

The Consultation Document covers several key choices for the community - from increasing the District’s event sponsorship fund and deciding how Council should invest in economic development, to restoring the Taihape Grandstand and setting up free wifi zones in towns across the District.

Everyone within the Rangitīkei District is invited and welcome to participate in Framing Our Future and provide feedback on the Long Term Plan through mail, online, in person or verbal submissions. Copies of the Consultation Document can be found at Council offices, libraries, or online at

Consultation is open until 5pm Monday 10 May 2021.

To find more information on any part of this process, the Long Term Plan, or this document, you can visit, call 0800 422 522, or email