Papakai Park Update
February 02, 2021
On 2 November 2020, Rangitīkei District Council (RDC) met at Papakai Park with representatives of the Friends of Taihape Society to discuss possible future solutions for the wastewater overflow structure in the park.
An agreement was made to fill the existing overflow hole in the park. The hole was then backfilled and re-seeded in mid-January 2021. The boulders were repositioned along the gravel drive/carpark area to restrict vehicular access to the grassed area.
The existing overflow pond was to be moved towards the embankment just south of the new overflow tanks, however this location was found to interfere with existing storm water management. A new storm water solution will be designed and installed to accommodate this difficulty. The design will have a suitable slope to allow mowing of the area inside the pond, and will be grassed and usable during times of no overflow.
Construction will start soon, we will keep you up to date as the work progresses.