Community Initiatives Fund Applications Closing Soon
March 10, 2022

Our Community Initiatives Fund offers grants up to $2500 to support community-based projects in our District.
For this round applications close midnight Thursday 24 March 2022.
This fund supports initiatives and opportunities which have the potential to benefit Rangitīkei Districts communities in the following areas:
- Community service and support,
- Leisure promotion and
- Heritage and environmental sites.
For more information see Community Initiatives Fund.
If you need assistance completing your form or further information please contact us
- at the Council’s offices at 46 High Street, Marton or 92 Hautapu Street, Taihape
- or by phoning the Council on 0800 422 522 or emailing
The fund is awarded by the Finance/Performance Committee. Grants will usually be up to a maximum of $2,500 for any project in any one financial year.