Earthquake Strengthening of Masonry Buildings
July 28, 2022

Are you interested in learning about how we can futureproof masonry buildings in our town centres?
We’re hosting a free presentation to share tips on earthquake strengthening and to help the public learn more about Council’s role in regulating earthquake prone buildings.
If you own an earthquake prone building or if you have a keen interest in masonry buildings in the district then come along to learn from the experts. There will also be a Q&A opportunity and time for networking.
When: Friday 19 August from 9am – 12.30pm
Where: Te Matapihi - Bulls Community Centre, 4 Criterion Street, Bulls
Key note speakers:
- Dr. Dmytro Dizhur, Director of Dizhur Consulting
- Roger Wilkinson, Property Investor/Developer
Panel members:
- Johan Cullis, Group Manager Regulatory, Rangitīkei District Council
- Bryan Jacobsen, Senior Building Inspector, Rangitīkei District Council
Please register your interest with:
Jaime Reibel - Strategic Advisor Economic Development
0800 422 522 or