Events Sponsorship Scheme Round Three Open
May 27, 2022
*** Round 3 of the Events Sponsorship Scheme for 2021/22 has been extended, and is now closing Sunday, 05 June 2022. ***
Our Event Sponsorship Scheme Round 3 is now open...
This is a Council fund intended to support events in the district that help to develop community cohesion and reinforce economic growth.
Applications are open to groups (not individuals) whose events take place within the Rangitīkei, and that are not funded by the Rangitīkei District Council ratepayers through other means.
There are normally two funding rounds per year, however a third round of funding is being held for 2021/22, to assist eligible event organisers with funding as the country eases out of COVID-19 restrictions.
Round 3 closes Sunday 5 June 2022.
Funding for the Events Sponsorship Scheme has been increased from $25,000 to $50,000.
For more information visit Events Sponsorship Scheme.
This fund is awarded by the Finance/Performance Committee.