Looking for a challenge? Become a civil defence volunteer
August 10, 2022

The Rangitīkei Civil Defence Response Team provides qualified responders to support Civil Defence Emergency Management and their communities during an emergency event. Working closely with Council, we look for team members who enjoy a physically and mentally challenging environment. We are team players with a common desire to serve their community. Team members work alongside and assist the emergency services and other responding agencies.
You'll be trained to:
- Provide support to emergency services
- Assist with public notifications and evacuations
- Provide support and surge staffing for our Emergency Operations Centre
- Respond to flood and storm events
- Establish and manage Civil Defence Centres
- Provide Light Urban Search & Rescue (USAR)
Within the response team there are a wide range of skills and roles to suit difference needs. Our team trains fortnightly, from 7-9pm at the CDEM Depot, 46 High Street, Marton, however training commitments are matched to different roles and some require less commitment.
Check out what the team gets up to on Facebook.
To join the team or find out more information, please contact Paul Chaffe, Emergency Management Officer on paul.chaffe@rangitikei.govt.nz or 0800 422 522.