Mayoral Public Meetings On Three Waters
April 22, 2022

There has been considerable interest around the Government’s position on Three Waters which is the provision of waste-water, drinking water and stormwater.
Council and the Mayor are aware that it is a difficult subject to understand as to what is being made law and what Council’s position is therefore Mayor Andy Watson will be holding a series of public meetings across the district over the next few weeks to explain Three Waters further and to give you the opportunity to ask questions.
Please join Mayor Andy at one of the following meetings:
- 6pm Tuesday 26 April at the Friendship Club Hall – 7 Morris Street, Marton
- 6pm Friday 29 April at Te Matapihi - Town Hall, Bulls
- 6pm Tuesday 3 May at Kokako Street Hall, Taihape
These meetings will also include information on our Framing 2022/23 Annual Plan Consultation. Mayor Andy will be glad to answer questions regarding the Annual Plan, rates and the key choices we are asking the public to have feedback on.
If you are unable to attend a public meetings and wish to speak to the Mayor individually please call directly on 027 617 7668.
For more information see Three Waters Reform or call our Customer Experience team on 0800 422 522.