New defibrillators installed across Rangitīkei
August 22, 2022

We’ve installed four new automated external defibrillators (AEDs) across our District.
Did you know? An AED can increase someone's chance of survival by up to 80% if applied immediately.
We want to make accessing AED’s easier for our communities.
The new locations include:
- Te Matapihi – Bulls Community Centre (external installation with 24 hour access)
- Taihape Library (external installation with 24 hour access)
- Council Depot, King Street, Marton (external installation with 24 hour access)
- Council Offices, High Street, Marton) (internal installation with access during opening hours)
Rangitīkei District Council Health Safety and Wellbeing Advisor Marcelle said, “AED’s can be the difference between life and death so it was really important for us to make these more accessible for our communities.
What do you use an AED for?
AED’s are used to revive someone when they go into sudden cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops pumping blood around the body. You should use the AED if you can’t feel a pulse and the person isn’t breathing. For more information on the signs of cardiac arrest visit
How do I use an AED?
Each of our AED sites are fitted with a set of instructions. Once you begin using the AED a loud instructional voice recording will prompt you through the steps. Although they might look a bit intimidating, it’s as easy as tying your shoes.
Visit for a full list of AED’s in your town.