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Taihape Rangatahi Explore Career Opportunities

June 16, 2022

Taihape rangatahi have been busy exploring career opportunities across the district and on Friday they came together for the TAS Learning and Careers Expo. The purpose of the event was Te kete taute, te kete rearea, te kete pito – to nurture the growth of our potential.

Students were given the opportunity to network with lots of different employees and industries like, shearing and woolhandling, the Defence Force and hairdressing.

The rangatahi enjoyed the opportunity to see the different career opportunities in action and try their hand at new skills. They were also interested in the educational and professional development opportunities within the businesses and how they can work together to help the students achieve NCEA credits.

A big mihi to Shelley Noble - Taihape Area School Gateway Coordinator for pulling together a successful event and to all the students and employers involved on the day.

Our next vocational road trip expo will be held in Marton on 7 July in conjunction with Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa. If you want to attend as an employer or if you are exploring your career options get in touch with Kelly Widdowson at