Rural Intersection Activated Warning Signs
The roading team have installed Rural Intersection Activated Warning Signs (RIAWS) at the intersection of Pukepapa and Makirikiri roads.
April 17, 2024

The intersection at Pukepapa and Makirikiri roads is one of the most dangerous in the district, and a number of accidents have happened here over the years, including some that have been fatal. The roading team have been working on installing the RIAWS for a number of months now.
Powered by solar panels, the signs work with sensors on Makirikiri Road sending a signal to the signs on Pukepapa Road when a vehicle is approaching the intersection. The signs will then instruct drivers to slow their speed to 70km/h.
There are also sensors in the road that will send signals to the signs if a vehicle has not made it to the intersection (for example it may have turned off onto a nearby property). This ensures that the signs will display the correct information so that drivers can be best informed.
While we can't control how people drive on our roads, it's hoped that these signs will help mitigate potential issues that could lead to accidents. At this stage, this is the only intersection that the signs will be installed at, but it's possible they could be installed in other locations.