Rangitīkei Wheelie Bins update - March 2025
As of March 2025, Central Waste (operating as Rangitīkei Wheelie Bins) has ceased trading and is no longer providing kerbside rubbish collection services to residents.
March 20, 2025

UPDATE as of 10:00am on Wednesday, 26 March
We have extended the date for residents to drop you red rubbish bags off at any of our transfer stations for free until Sunday, 30 March. This gives people extra time to make arrangements with other providers of kerbside rubbish collection in the district.
If you have red rubbish bags that you can no longer use, both New World Marton and Fresh Choice Marton are able to offer refunds (with proof of payment provided).
Rangitīkei Wheelie Bins (RWB) customers are encouraged to contact other service providers to see if they can assist with kerbside collection. Details are below:
- Low Cost Bins - servicing Marton and Bulls.
0800754748 - EnviroNZ - servicing Koitiata, Turakina, Rātana and Whangaehu.
06 357 8378 - WaiBins - servicing Marton, Taihape, Bulls and Hunterville
www.waibins.co.nz - Complete Trash - servicing Marton, Crofton, Bulls, Turakina, Koitiata, Whangaehu, Rātana, Taihape, Utiku, Mangaweka and Hunterville.
If you can’t hold onto rubbish at your home and need to take it to any of our waste transfer stations, there is a cost of $3.50
per 60L bag and $16.80 per wheelie bin.
Note: Rangitīkei District Council does not provide kerbside collection and no ratepayer money is used for the subsidising of such services. Also, we are not responsible for the red rubbish bags that RWB sold at local shops, so we are not offering refunds to purchasers of such bags.
Residents can choose any collection provider that services their area of the district.
All rubbish taken to our waste transfer stations will incur disposal fees.