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Rangitīkei Wheelie Bins update - March 2025

As of March 2025, Central Waste (operating as Rangitīkei Wheelie Bins) has ceased trading and is no longer providing kerbside rubbish collection services to residents.

March 20, 2025

Rubbish Bags News Image

UPDATE as of 10:30am on Monday, 24 March

Thank you to everyone who has offered assistance to Rangitīkei Wheelie Bin (RWB) customers over the week. We know it's not a nice situation for you to be in, and so it's been awesome to see people banding together and helping.

A huge thank you to Smart Environmental who did a massive job in clearing most of the rubbish in such a short time frame and under pressure.

We are aware of some properties that have not had their rubbish collected and people weren't able to transport it to the transfer stations. We're collating this information and passing it on to our waste team to see what we might be able to provide.

We're also aware of the concerns of rural residents impacted by the closure of RWB, and we will be bringing these concerns to the attention of our waste team. We can advocate for the other providers to consider servicing these areas impacted, but a resolution may take some time.

Once we have evaluated the situation, we'll communicate what the next steps are going to be.

In the meantime, RWB customers are encouraged to contact other service providers to see if they can assist with kerbside collection. Details are below:

1. Low Cost Bins - only service Marton and Bulls.

2. EnviroNZ
06 357 8378

3. Smart Environmental Ltd – Commercial
0800 424 990

4. WaiBins

The above companies are aware of the situation with Rangitīkei Wheelie Bins, and they are anticipating extra customer enquiries.

If you can’t hold onto rubbish at your home and need to take it to any of the transfer stations, there is a cost of $3.50 per 60L bag and $16.80 per wheelie bin.

“Why do we have to pay at the transfer station if we’ve paid for the bags/wheelie bin costs?”

It costs Council to dispose of waste and so we recoup these fees through user charges. We’re not in a position to absorb these fees without it impacting significantly on our operating budget, which has a knock-on impact to ratepayers.