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Youth Awards 2025 - Nominations Open

It's time to nominate rangatahi who have excelled in our district over the past 12 months for the the John Turkington Rangitīkei Youth Awards!

March 19, 2025

Received 562013622589643

If you know an exceptional person between the ages of 12 and 24 who is affiliated with the Rangitīkei District, whether they currently live, work, or attend school here, or have roots in the area, nominate them for one of the eight categories listed below, with the winner of each category receiving $500 cash from our generous sponsors:

Manukura - Leadership Award:
Sponsored by Evans Henderson Woodbridge
For young people who have demonstrated leadership in a project or organization.

Rangatahi Tūmanako - Youth of Hope:
Sponsored by Rangitikei Anglican Parish
For young individuals whose actions have significantly impacted their community by nurturing Wairua well being. This awards honors rangatahi who have created positive change and have had a significant impact on the community.

Hākinakina - Youth In Sport:
Sponsored by New World Marton
For young people who have created a positive and inclusive culture, supported other young people or been an exceptional representative of the district within their sport.

Taiao - Eco Warrior:
Sponsored by River Valley
For young people who have created a positive change for local environmental issues.

Rangatahi Toi - Youth of the Arts:
Sponsored by Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apas
Celebrates the creativity and art achievements of our youth. This awards honors rangatahi who have demonstrated outstanding talent in the arts including, Visual arts, performing arts, music, and digital media.

Rangatahi Whanaketanga - Developmental Achievement Award Youth:
Sponsored by Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
For young people who have shown dedication, commitment and achieved success with their apprenticeship and/or mahi.

Rangatahi Taiwhenua - Southern Rural Youth:
Sponsored by The Downers Group
demonstrated outstanding contributions to their rural community. Whether through leadership in agriculture, community service, environmental sustainability, or entrepreneurship, this individual exemplifies the spirit of resilience and innovation that drives rural growth and development.

Rangatahi Taiwhenua - Northern Rural Youth:
Sponsored by Hautapu Pine
demonstrated outstanding contributions to their rural community. Whether through leadership in agriculture, community service, environmental sustainability, or entrepreneurship, this individual exemplifies the spirit of resilience and innovation that drives rural growth and development.

The John Turkington Forestry Overall Youth Award:

All youth nominations are able to win this category.

Anyone can nominate a young person for an award. To be eligible for an award, nominees must:

  • Be affiliated to and contributed to the Rangitīkei District in the last 12 months
  • Have participated in the activities they have been nominated for within the past 12 months
  • Have participated in activities they were nominated for outside of their regular study or work commitments
  • Be aged between 12 and 24 at the beginning of Youth Week

For further information email or phone 0800 422 522.