News: Archive
District Plan Change
November 11, 2016
The District Plan Change 2016 is now almost complete. There were no appeals received on the decision and the Plan Change will become fully operative 14 November 2016.
Marton Park Reserve Management Plan
November 11, 2016
The Marton Park Management Plan has recently been developed in conjunction with the community and was approved by Council on 3 November 2016. The Marton Park Management Plan provides the vision, objectives and a site plan for the future development of Marton Park
War Memorial Arch - Bulls Library
November 11, 2016
There is no plan to demolish or remove the War Memorial Arch in Bulls.
Taking Care of Business
November 08, 2016
Rangitikei is a fantastic district, where business possibilities are wide and varied. Council want to make it as easy as possible for you to set up your new business or expand an existing business and enjoy all that the Rangitikei offers.
Building and Planning Consent Christmas Processing Times 2016-2017
November 01, 2016
The Building Act 2004 stops the statutory processing clock over Christmas and New Year. The period between 20 December 2016 and 10 January 2017 is excluded from the 20 working day time-frame.
Call for Nominations - Community Committees and Reserve Management Committees
October 20, 2016
Nominations for four Community Committees and two Reserve Management Committees open on Friday 21 October 2016 and close 12pm (noon) Friday 4 November 2016
Mangaweka Bridge Re-opening
October 20, 2016
The Manawatu and Rangitikei District Councils advise that the bridge has re-opened on schedule at 8:00pm 20 October 2016. The planned replacement of the deck sections 7m from each end has been completed well. However weight, speed and no stopping restrictions apply.
Final Election Results 2016
October 13, 2016
The final results for the Rangitikei District Council elections held on Saturday 8th October 2016
Marton Swim Centre all Pools Open
October 13, 2016
Update Monday 17th October: All pools at Marton Swim centre will be open.
Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy
October 11, 2016
Rangitikei District Council is now able to create a local policy to allow wider shop trading across the district or in designated areas on Easter Sunday. Feedback is sought on whether or not the community and shop owners want all retail businesses to have the option to trade on Easter Sunday.
Weekend Opening Hours Extended at the Marton Waste Transfer Station
October 10, 2016
From Sunday, 25 September the Marton WTS will remain open, during weekends, until 4pm (previously was 3pm). This extension to opening hours will be trialled until 26th of March 2017.
2016 Triennial Elections Preliminary Results
October 08, 2016
The preliminary result for the Rangitikei District Council elections held on Saturday 8th October 2016
Burst Water Pipe - Wellington Road, Marton - October 2016
October 06, 2016
Information about a burst water pipe on Wellington Road, Marton, October 2016
Don’t run out of time, vote early on ‘Vote Day’
September 30, 2016
Nominations closed at 12pm Friday 12th August 2016
Funding Rounds Open
September 28, 2016
Applications for financial assistance are now being called for: Creative Community Scheme Community Initiatives FundEvents Sponsorship Scheme
Whangaehu Flood Resilience Uplift Project
September 28, 2016
A Rangitikei District Council-led project is currently underway to look at the issues and impacts associated with flooding in the lower Whangaehu valley (Okirae south), and to identify options and actions for managing those impacts.
Voting Opens in 2016 Local Council Elections
September 16, 2016
Nominations closed at 12pm Friday 12th August 2016
Mangaweka Bridge Closure 5th-20th October 2016
September 13, 2016
The Manawatu and Rangitikei District Councils advise that they will impose a bridge closure for 15 consecutive days from 5th to 20th October, inclusive. The closure will be a full closure day and night, including weekends.
Civil Defence National Tsunami Exercise
August 30, 2016
Over 100 organisations and several hundred staff nationwide are getting ready to take part in Exercise Tangaroa, which will test New Zealand’s arrangements for preparing for, responding to and recovering from a major tsunami. Exercise Tangaroa is an opportunity for all of these organisations to test their processes, decision-making and communications.The exercise will take place on three separate days in August and September.
Vote 2016
August 12, 2016
Candidate nominations closed 12pm Friday 12th August 2016.
Rangitikei Environment Newsletter
August 12, 2016
The Treasured Natural Environment Group would like to share the fantastic environmental projects occurring throughout the Rangitikei District. August - Issue 4
Draft Concept Plan for Multi-purpose Building Presented to Bulls
August 09, 2016
Draft plans were presented to the Bulls community on Monday, 8 August. The public now have a chance to have their say on these designs. If you want to speak to Mayor Andy about the designs he is available in the Bulls Supper Room on:Tuesday, 9 August 1pm – 4pmThursday, 11 August 5.30pm – 7.30pmMonday, 15 August 10am – 2pmThere is also a feedback form available.
Sportsgrounds Closed This Weekend - Marton and Hunterville
August 05, 2016
Unfortunately due to the wet conditions of the sportsgrounds, and the rain that MetService is forecasting over the next few days, the decision has been made to close Marton Park and the Hunterville Domain this weekend to all adult games and training on the fields - junior games are not affected and are still able to be played.
Are You Thinking of Standing for Election in 2016
August 03, 2016
Any person who is considering standing for election to the Rangitikei District Council or the Ratana/Taihape Community Boards is invited to attend candidate briefing sessions on Thursday 4 August 2016.
Public Meeting - Proposed Bulls Multi-purpose Centre
August 03, 2016
You're invited to a public meeting to introduce the proposed design for a new Bulls multi-purpose centre. 6:30pm Monday 8th August, Bulls Town Hall. A draft design and costings for the new Centre have been prepared, so it’s an opportune time to share these with the Bulls community. Don't miss this opportunity to have a say in the future of your community.Public Meeting Invitation