News: Archive
Sportsgrounds Closed This Weekend - Marton and Hunterville
August 05, 2016
Unfortunately due to the wet conditions of the sportsgrounds, and the rain that MetService is forecasting over the next few days, the decision has been made to close Marton Park and the Hunterville Domain this weekend to all adult games and training on the fields - junior games are not affected and are still able to be played.
Are You Thinking of Standing for Election in 2016
August 03, 2016
Any person who is considering standing for election to the Rangitikei District Council or the Ratana/Taihape Community Boards is invited to attend candidate briefing sessions on Thursday 4 August 2016.
Public Meeting - Proposed Bulls Multi-purpose Centre
August 03, 2016
You're invited to a public meeting to introduce the proposed design for a new Bulls multi-purpose centre. 6:30pm Monday 8th August, Bulls Town Hall. A draft design and costings for the new Centre have been prepared, so it’s an opportune time to share these with the Bulls community. Don't miss this opportunity to have a say in the future of your community.Public Meeting Invitation
Marton Park Management Plan Consultation
August 03, 2016
The Marton Park Management Plan has been designed to guide the future management of Marton Park. Submissions are now open for community feedback on the draft Plan.
Earthquake Prone Buildings Consultation
July 28, 2016
Council is currently consulting on its earthquake-prone buildings policy and providing information on the new Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act due to come into force over the next couple of years.Written submissions on the Earthquake–prone Building Policy closed at 4 pm Monday 29 August 2016.
Pre-election Report
July 28, 2016
Section 99A of the Local Government Act requires the Chief Executive of each local authority to prepare a pre-election report, to include specified information about finances (cash flow, rates, borrowing and investments) and major projects.
Rangitikei District Council Selected as a Foundation Council for New Standards Programme
July 11, 2016
Rangitikei District Council is pleased to announce it has been selected as a Foundation Council for the recently announced local government New Zealand standards programme. Mayor Andy Watson said the new system outlined in the excellence programme lined up with the sectors' and its own strategic plans to lift the value of its services to the community.
Vote 2016 - Nominations Now Open (Nominations closed at 12pm Friday 12th August 2016)
July 07, 2016
Nominations closed at 12pm Friday 12th August 2016
Survey of Residents about Council services
July 04, 2016
A big thank you to everyone who took part in the recent postal and online survey about Council's services. The Council undertakes regular satisfaction surveys amongst residents as part of the performance framework agreed with our auditors and your help is greatly appreciated. See results here.
#GetDigital AboutUs Roadshow
July 04, 2016
We have set up an exciting roadshow in the Rangitikei District with as part of the #GetDigital Intiative that Council has signed up to, along with the Whanganui and South Taranaki District Councils. The campaign objectives are to provide businesses in the region with tools, events and resources aimed at helping them get online and more digitally engaged.
Funding Rounds Open - Community Initiatives Fund and Events Sponsorship Scheme
June 28, 2016
Applications for financial assistance are now being called for: Community Initiatives Fund and Events Sponsorship Scheme.
Public Meeting Marton Park Management Plan
June 17, 2016
A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 6.00pm in the Council Chambers, 46 High St Marton - to discuss the content for a Draft Marton Park Management Plan.
Request for Expression of Interest - Community Housing (now closed)
June 10, 2016
Rangitikei District Council invite interested parties to submit a proposal to the Rangitikei District Council for the ownership/management of the Council’s Community Housing Portfolio. Social Housing Opportunity
Region-Wide Civil Defence Plan Adopted
June 10, 2016
A region-wide Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan has been adopted by the Manawatu-Wanganui Joint Standing Committee today. The Group Plan is a strategic document that outlines
Competitive Lease Invitation for Grazing of Land
June 08, 2016
The Rangitikei District Council currently has two blocks of land available for lease for grazing purposes. To find out more, or to lodge the Competitive Lease Offer document, visit Competitive Lease Invitation for Grazing of Land
Wanganui Road Construction Update June 2016
June 08, 2016
Update on Wanganui Road construction programme, from Rangitikei District Council and Higgins Contractors 8 June 2016
Vote 2016 Local Elections
June 07, 2016
Nominations closed Friday 12th August 2016 at 12pm.
Adoption of Policies and Bylaws
June 07, 2016
Council has adopted the following policies and bylaws: Speed Limit Bylaw Amendment – Parewanui Road, Rates Remission Policy Amendment, Dog Owners Responsibility Policy and Control of Dogs Bylaw, TAB Venue Policy.
Queen's Birthday Waste Transfer Station Activity
June 01, 2016
Rangitikei Waste Transfer Stations will be closed on Monday 6th of June for Queen's Birthday.
Rangitikei Youth Awards 2016 Winners
May 30, 2016
Rangitikei District Council is celebrating the achievements of our amazing young people with the Rangtikei Youth Awards 2016. The awards mirrored the national Youth Awards scheme on the theme “Aroha Mai, Aroha Atu - Giving Back is Giving Forward”.
Sports Ground Closures
May 27, 2016
Update 3:30pm Thursday 2 June 2016 All sports fields are open
Update on Wanganui Road Construction Programme
May 19, 2016
Update on Wanganui Road construction programme, from Rangitikei District Council and Higgins Contractors 19 May 2016
Hammond Street Stormwater upgrade - Stage 1
May 11, 2016
Blackley Construction has been contracted by Council to install a new stormwater system. This work is due to commence on the week beginning 23rd May. The contract period will be for 6 weeks and involves the installation of a new headwall at the Tutaenui Stream, the laying of 825/750mm dia concrete pipe and the associated manholes up as far as Hair Street.
Recent Submissions
May 06, 2016
The consultation for the 2016/2017 Annual Plan is now closed
Rangitikei Youth Awards Launched
May 03, 2016
Rangitikei District Council is inviting nominations to celebrate the achievements of our amazing young people with the Rangitikei Youth Awards 2016. The awards will mirror the national Youth Awards scheme on the theme “Aroha Mai, Aroha Atu - Giving Back is Giving Forward”.