News: Archive
Holiday Processing Times 2015-2016
November 20, 2015
If you need your Building and/or Resource Consents and Liquor Licensing applications to be processed before Christmas, they need to be submitted by 20 November 2015.
Social Housing Opportunity - Request for Expressions of Interest (Now Closed)
October 13, 2015
Rangitikei District Council seeks Expressions of Interest from Community Housing Providers for the ownership/management of its community housing. Social Housing Opportunity
Rural Fire Service Notice
October 12, 2015
With the official rural fire season having begun on October 1, rural fire officers throughout the region are encouraging rural residents to burn their tree trimmings and general farming rubbish now.
Funding Rounds are Now Closed
October 04, 2015
Funding rounds are now open for Community Initiatives Fund, Event Sponsorship Scheme and Creative Communities. Please go to our Grants and Funding page for application forms and funding criteria. Grants & Funding
Consultation on the Amendment to Animal Control Bylaw 2013
October 02, 2015
Council is undertaking consultation with the Turakina community about the removal of ‘urban area’ restrictions under the Animal Control Bylaw 2013. Council is also seeking expressions of interest from the communities of Crofton, Koitiata, Mangaweka, Mataroa, Ohingaiti, Scotts Ferry, Ratana and Utiku.
Youth Holiday Programmes
September 28, 2015
For Council supported activities for youth during the holiday break. Holiday Programmes
Water Pipe Flushing Continues in Marton
September 25, 2015
Council staff are continuing to flush water pipes in Marton, if you are experiencing dirty water try running your tap for 10 minutes, if it doesn't resolve the issue please contact the Council so
Water Pipe Flushing in Marton
September 18, 2015
Council staff have been flushing water pipes in Marton this weeek, if you are experiencing dirty water please ring the Council and let us know so we can work to resolve this quickly - 06 327 0099 o
New Zealand ShakeOut 2015
September 18, 2015
New Zealand ShakeOut is an earthquake preparedness campaign culminating in a nationwide Drop, Cover and Hold drill at 0915 on 15 October 2015.
Rugby World Cup Licencing Requirements
September 11, 2015
On Licence and Club licensed premises wanting to open outside normal hours during Rugby World Cup matches no longer need to apply for a special licence. The Licensees must take certain steps in advance and meet certain conditions.
Update on Rainfall in Marton - 3.30pm Thursday 09 September
September 03, 2015
The rain has now eased, we are still expecting some more light rain at times until the weekend, but this isn't expected to cause any major issues. We will continue to monitor river and stream levels and areas that are, and can be affected, by surface flooding.
Region Welcomes Growth Study Findings
September 01, 2015
Industry, iwi and local government leaders welcomed the release of Central Government’s Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Growth Study.
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Clean Up Week
August 31, 2015
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Clean-Up Week takes place from 14th to 20th of September 2015.
Region Welcomes Sheep and Beef Announcement
August 28, 2015
Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy visited the Horizons Region to launch the first collaborative programme between Central Government and regional stakeholders resulting from the Regional Growth Study.
Rangitikei Environment Newsletter
August 28, 2015
The Treasured Natural Environment Group would like to share the fantastic environmental projects occurring throughout the Rangitikei District, so has developed a quarterly newsletter.
Commemorating Waitangi Day Fund
August 14, 2015
Applications for the 2016 Commemorating Waitangi Day Fund are now welcome through Ministry for Culture & Heritage. The fund will close on Monday 21st September 2015 and successful applicants will be contacted in November 2015.
Community Feedback - Proposed amendment to the Rates Remission Policy to include incentives for business expansion
August 11, 2015
Council wishes to seek the views of the community on the proposed amendment to the Rates Remission Policy to include incentives for business expansion.
Smoke Testing Inspection of the Bulls Sewer Network
August 05, 2015
As part of planned Bulls sewer reticulation network improvement work, Rangitikei District Council is now testing the wastewater reticulation network in your area.
National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry
August 04, 2015
The Ministry for Primary Industries has proposed a National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry. Council has lodged a submission on the proposed standard to the Ministry.
Whats The Plan Rangitikei....?
July 24, 2015
Council adopted its 2015/25 Long Term Plan on 25 June 2015.This sets out what Council intends to do, in detail over the next three years, but extending out to 30 years.
Do You Need Help After The Flooding? Expired
July 03, 2015
Community Initiatives Fund & Events Sponsorship Scheme - Now Closed
July 01, 2015
Applications for financial assistance are now being called for: Community Initiatives Fund and Events Sponsorship Scheme.
Water Supply
June 26, 2015
There are currently no issues regarding water supply in the district.
Ohingaiti Water Update 4:15pm 25/06/15
June 25, 2015
As at 4.15pm the Ohingaiti water supply has been reconnected, it may take a couple of hours for full water services to be restored for all users.
Notice to Rural Community Property Owners
June 24, 2015
Until further notice, rural property owners are requested not to use the rural roads affected by the floods in the Rangitikei District for heavy truck haulage, including the movement of stock.