Poultry means caged or free range poultry and the definition of poultry includes:
- Chickens
- Peacocks
- Geese
- Ducks
- Turkeys
- and domestic fowls of all description
No person shall keep more than 12 head of poultry on any household unit in any urban area, unless given a written dispensation by an enforcement officer.
No poultry house shall be erected or maintained so that any part of it is within 10 metres from any dwelling in an urban area, or within 2 metres of any property boundary.
Every poultry house and poultry run shall be maintained in good repair, and in a clean condition free from any offensive smell or overflow, and free from vermin.
No person shall keep any rooster in any urban area, nor keep a rooster in such a manner that at any time the rooster can come within 100 metres of a boundary with any urban area, unless given a written dispensation by an enforcement officer.