BCA Complaints Policy
Our vision: A thriving district
We take pride in the service we offer and want to be responsive in dealing with your requests and issues. We also want to make things as easy as possible for you and are committed to continually improving our processes. As such we have developed these service standards that you can expect when you contact us.
Our Customer Commitment to you:
We will:
- Welcome you and treat you respectfully
- Listen and ask questions so we understand your needs
- Take ownership and be pro-active
- Keep you informed
- Ensure you receive a timely response or resolution
- Seek your feedback so we can continue to improve
What is a complaint about building control functions?
A complaint is when a customer informs the BCA in writing, that they are not happy with the:
- Standard of service they have received
- Failure of the BCA to do something they are required to do by statute or it has agreed to do, for example ;
- Exceed statutory time-frames for processing building consents or issuing code compliance certificate
- Not meeting published services levels.
- Way they have been treated.
If a potential complaint is verbal and is resolved at the first point of contact then this is not regarded as a complaint but as a business as usual inquiry or discussion, and does not need to be recorded.
Complaints process:
- Complaints are seen as received in writing.
- All complaints are treated with fairness, objectivity and respect.
- All correspondence regarding complaints will be received in writing and emailed to info@rangitikei.govt.nz with a copy of the complaint emailed to the Regulatory Officer for monitoring and entering onto the BCA/ TA Compliment/ Complaint Register held in the Regulatory Drive.
- All complaints are considered on their merits.
- The substance of a complaint dictates the level of resources dedicated to it, not the complainant’s demands or behaviour.
- The complaint is then sent to the Group Manager Regulatory and Emergency Management who will assess the complaint and prioritise the complaint for response should this require urgent attention.
- We'll respond within three working days of receiving the complaint and the complainant may be asked whether they wish to be heard in relation to the compliant or to provide further information.
- All complaints will be actioned within 10 working days of receipt of complaint unless a request for further information is made. The response will proportionately remedy the matter raised in the complaint.
- Where the complaint cannot be resolved by the Group Manager Regulatory and Emergency Management, the Group Manager Regulatory and Emergency Management will refer complaint to the Chief Executive.
- The outcome of the complaint investigation and action taken, is recorded in the BCA/ TA Compliment/ Complaint Register held in the Regulatory Drive.
- All complaints are discussed at the BCA team meeting weekly. Updates to the public information, quality manual and any other documentation will be completed where required.