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Rubbish & Recycling

Council has six Waste Transfer Stations for the acceptance of various waste streams. The management of these sites are contracted out to private service providers.

The service levels of the waste stations covers acceptance of rubbish to landfill, a range of recyclables and various household hazardous waste products. See attached information brochure for comprehensive list of available service and opening times.

Note: Council does not provide kerbside refuse collection for the entire Rangitīkei region, this is done by private companies. We can only provide information regarding kerbside refuse collection.

Waste Management and Minimisation Plan

This Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) is Rangitikei District Council’s second iteration. The first WMMP was adopted in 2012.

The Waste Minimisation Act 2008 (WMA) requires councils to assess their waste services. Rangitikei District Council has identified a range of issues and options around recycling and disposal of waste for our District.

The plan aims to ensure waste related activities are effective, efficient, safe, reduce impact on the environment, and are accessible to much of our community.

Waste Assessment Reports

A Waste Assessment provides a 'point in time' view of Rangitīkei’s waste management systems, describing the current waste situation, setting the vision, goals, objectives, and targets for the District, and developing options for meeting future demand.