Local Water Done Well
Local Water Done Well is a central-government mandated initiative to address concerns about Aotearoa New Zealand’s water infrastructure and water quality.
It seeks to do this by:
- Requiring councils to develop a fit-for-purpose plan to deliver water services to its residents.
- Ensuring water services are future-proofed and financially sustainable.
- Introducing greater central government oversight, and economic and quality regulation.
Rangitīkei District Council is responsible for the delivery and management of water services (drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater) for the Rangitīkei District. Like councils across Aotearoa New Zealand, the Rangitīkei District is facing varied and increasingly critical challenges maintaining and future proofing its water services.
Successive governments have recognised these challenges and introduced models to support councils. These models have included ‘Three Waters’ and ‘Affordable Water Reforms.’ Local Water Done Well is the current coalition government’s water services model. It was introduced shortly after their election in October 2023.
To put it simply, while Three Waters and Affordable Water Reforms took a centralised view of the way water services are managed, Local Water Done Well takes a more localised view – with central government oversight.
Local Water Done Well requires councils across Aotearoa New Zealand to develop a Water Services Delivery Plan
By September 2025, councils nationwide are required to develop a Water Services Delivery Plan that outlines how it will deliver and sustainably finance the water services it maintains into the future.
Each council’s Water Services Delivery Plan must deliver to guidelines created by central government. The plan must include:
- How the council plans to deliver water services to its residents – a ‘water services delivery model’.
- How its water services delivery model will be implemented.
- How the council plans to maintain water quality, and the long-term financial sustainability of its water services delivery model.
Timeline – looking ahead
At the Thursday, 12 December 2024 Council meeting, Rangitīkei District Council agreed on its preferred water services delivery model under the Government’s Local Water Done Well initiative.
- First preference: A multi council-controlled organisation (CCO) with Rangitīkei District Council, Whanganui District Council and Ruapehu District Council.
Formal public consultation on the preferred option, and other options considered, is expected to begin in late February 2025. We will keep you updated as this work progresses and dates for consultation are finalised.
The finalised Rangitīkei District Council Water Services Delivery Plan (or joint plan with other councils) is required to be delivered to central government by September 2025.
Rangitīkei residents deserve to have access to clean, reliable and sustainable water services.
Our aim is to deliver a Water Services Delivery Plan that is operationally and financially efficient, secure, and sustainable.