Forms - Planning
- Address application form (PDF)
Use this form to apply for a new urban address number, rural RAPID number, or to request a replacement RAPID plate to be installed where a RAPID number has already been allocated.
- Address Application Online Form (Online)
Use this form to apply for a new urban address number, rural RAPID number, or to request a replacement RAPID plate to be installed where a RAPID number has already been allocated.
- LIM Application (PDF)
Land Information Memorandum (LIM) report application form.
- Liquor Licensing - Planning and Building Compliance Certificate application (PDF)
For the purposes of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
- Older CCC Review and B2 Durability Modification Form (PDF)
This form is to be completed in conjunction with an application for Code Compliance Certificate for any building consent that the BCA deems the CCC date should be modified.
- Planning - Change and/or Cancellation of Condition of Resource Consent Application (PDF)
Section 127, Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Change and/or Cancellation of Consent Notice Application (PDF)
Section 221(3), Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Change or Cancellation of Conditions of Licence Application (PDF)
Section 221(3), Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity Application (PDF)
Form 9A - Section 87BA Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Land Use and Fast Track Consent Application (PDF)
Section 87AAC and 88, Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Marginal or Temporary Non-Compliance (PDF)
Section 87BB of the Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Outline Plan or Outline Plan Waiver (PDF)
Section 176A, Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Right of Way - application for RoW approval (PDF)
Section 348, Local Government Act 1974
- Planning - Subdivison Consent Application (PDF)
Section 88, Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Written Approval for Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity (PDF)
Form 8B - Section 87BA Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Written Approval of Affected Persons (PDF)
Section 95, Resource Management Act 1991