Rangitīkei Line - December, 2019

Welcome to the New Council
Elections were held on 12 October 2019 for the Rangitikei District Council Mayor, Councillors, and Taihape and Ratana Community Boards. Councillors were sworn in at the Inaugural Council meeting on Thursday, 24 October.

Mayor’s Commendation Award
Mayor of Rangitīkei - Andy Watson presented Peter and Elaine Saywell a Commendation Award earlier this week.

Our Community House was SOLD!
The Community House at Walton Street, Bulls went under the hammer in early November with the final sale price far exceeding the expectations of everyone involved.

Building Community - update on the New Bulls Community Centre
A lot of progress has been made on the new Community Centre building recently and it’s exciting to see it going up and being closed in. As the project heads towards its construction completion date of 30 March 2020 there is plenty of opportunity for creative, community-based, fund-raising activities.